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Myself and My Muse

"The Absence of Darkness", was a concept first progressed in the younger years of my life. Since then, the story has reformed and evolved. Over the years, I developed a passion for playwriting, being highly involved in theatre since my freshman year. Now an eighteen year old senior and technical director of the Liberty theaters officer board, I had a strong ambition to perform, "The Absence of Darkness", in Liberty Theatre. After many edits, rewriting, and proofreading, the play became a piece I am proud of. This play has some strong themes I want the audience to take home with them. To live in gratitude and to tell the world that there is still light to appreciate, there is still good in a world seemingly shrouded in darkness and ill fortune. Marty comes to the lowest point of his life, allowing his obsession to over take him, in the end, he still can see the light even with the ugly truth. Read this play with an open mind, most scenes in the play are up to the audiences interpretation so be creative! The rehearsal process was very productive and smooth from start to finish. We had most materials we needed to make this story come to life and hard work brought us to the final production. I couldn't have accomplished what we did without the help of Troupe 6730 and the Liberty High School staff for allowing me to make this production a reality. I want to thank Mrs. Sharon Chadwick, our Troupe Director and mentor, for supporting us throughout this entire process and always giving us her wisdom. I would also like to thank my cast, crew and all the parents who let me use their talented students. I would like to thank the Liberty High School administrators for allowing this show to happen. I would also like to thank all of you who came out to support tonight. Expect to see more of this story in the future as a film, musical and a full length album by my band Venture. Thanks for coming out! Enjoy, "The Absence of Darkness".

~Jesse A. Miron

My Dream

It is my dream for my art to reach all those who love and care. If you find yourself interested in learning more about my process or any extras please contact me at:

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